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  • Writer's pictureOakmont Financial Group

Leading Life With Confidence Through & Beyond The Coronavirus Outbreak

This month has brought tremendous relief for all of us in Western Australia – with the easing of restrictions here we are now able to have some semblance of normalcy. This means staying close to friends, family and all those we’ve missed most during periods of lockdown and isolation.

Although the rules of social distancing still apply, the future is optimistic and we’ve managed to take our first steps towards it.

At Oakmont Financial, we continue to aid and guide our clients – from the times when the outbreak was at its peak to now when things have abated considerably, and we are more confident of the outcomes. We have been vigilant and alert. We have stayed informed. We have been available – listening and guiding – making use of all the tools and technology at our disposal. We have extended the best of our service to all our clients in these pressing times.

As we emerge from the thick of it, there is no doubt that the coronavirus outbreak has wreaked havoc on many of our lives and we’ll see the effects of it for months to come. There are numerous losses to contemplate – lost livelihoods, lost lives, lost opportunities. We’re seeing the face of a new and transformed economy that may be significantly different from the one we left behind.

However, the rebuilding efforts have to begin with us. We want to tell you that we are here for you, as always, helping you shape your financial future with confidence, assurance and poise.

1. Taking complete stock

It is possible that you may have suffered the direct or indirect impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. When considering your financial roadmap that is future-proof and infallible, it is essential that you take a stock of all your current assets and liabilities in a comprehensive manner. Be brutally honest and realistic.

These considerations will be important when you are trying to make informed decisions. These considerations can also be valuable in determining what has worked and what hasn’t worked for you in the past through similar circumstances. Rather than being emotional and/or impulsive, you can benefit from having a clearer idea of your financial state of affairs.

2. Redefining your goals

Depending on the extent and severity of the impacts you have (or could have) suffered, it may be appropriate to redefine your goals now. Going through the turbulent moments such as the times we have faced recently, can have a lasting effect. One that can end up changing your objectives and priorities in life. Give this a thought.

Concern for your children and their future, maintaining a safety net of resources and funds, or buying a house at the first chance – take the time to sort through and understand your goals and aspirations that are closest to your heart.

3. Engaging an adviser

Finally, tread the path with caution and prudence. Engaging an experienced adviser to assist you in managing your finances can be extremely helpful.

Navigating the financial market can be tricky all on your own. Keeping abreast of the relevant regulation, studying the dynamics within the market, making sound and informed decisions, and aligning your decisions with your goals and aspirations you’ve set for yourself in the most effective manner – can be easier when an adviser is involved.

At Oakmont, our experienced advisers can show you how you can reach your financial goals faster, with ease and more confidence – even during these volatile and unpredictable times. We can help you navigate the market and make the best possible decisions. We’ve got your back!

Call us for an obligation-free consultation, today.


General Advice Disclaimer

The information contained on this website and in this blog-post is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation or circumstance. It is recommended that you consider and use the information provided responsibly and, where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser.

Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy and correctness of information, Oakmont Financial Group, together with our consultants, officers, agents, and employees, disclaim all liability for any loss or damage suffered by any persons directly or indirectly relying on this information.

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