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Writer's pictureOakmont Financial Group

Achieve Higher Success For Your Claims With An Adviser

The financial sector the world-over has experienced massive and momentous change. This is true for the Australian financial sector too, considering it is just as diverse, complex, and dynamic (and sometimes, controversial).

While that may be so, it has never been more crucial to build trust and credibility and manage client expectations.

For financial advisers, being successful means having a clear understanding of the sector in its entirety – Its structure and behaviour; what factors bear weight and responsibility in this evolving environment; and forging ways to communicate these intricacies to their customers. For customers, success is determined by their ability to choose their advisers diligently, manage their risks and make informed decisions.

There is good value in retaining a financial adviser – for planning and executing strategies as well as for practising due diligence. And this has been proven true time and again. Especially when it comes down to brass tacks and the rubber finally hits the road.

There is a second set of eyes on your investments. And there is a seasoned mind helping you navigate the complexities of the market.

In this week’s blog post we discuss how you can achieve higher success for your claims with an adviser. And we base our discussion on the latest APRA claims data – the rolling six-monthly Life Insurance Claims and Disputes Statistics Report for the year to 30 June 2019.

What does the report say?

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority or APRA, is the corporate regulatory body in charge of developing and enforcing prudential frameworks of legislation, standards and guidance that promote prudent behaviour by authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), insurance companies, superannuation funds and others.

The Life Insurance Claims and Disputes Statistics Report that has been released by APRA together with ASIC reveals that – the metrics for individual advised claims surpass those of individual non-advised claims. And all key metrics remain similar to those reported for the previous 12 months up to 31st of December 2018.

There are a few other remarkable statistics that stand out. Here is the report, if you are interested in browsing.

So, what exactly does a financial adviser do?

It isn’t always clear what financial advisers do exactly? Do they manage our money, or can they do more? Well here’s the answer straight from the horse’s mouth!

Financial advisers use their in-depth knowledge and expertise to construct personalized financial plans for their clients that aim to achieve their financial goals. These plans may include investments, savings, budget, insurance, super, and tax strategies. Furthermore, advisers check in with their clients at regular intervals and especially before any major/minor events to re-evaluate their current situation for any changes and make improvements to the plans.

Regarding the claims process, a financial adviser can help you understand the overall process, deliver advice, and ensure you are making the right decisions in a timely and consistent manner for the best chance at success – as evidenced by the report.

How can Oakmont help?

At Oakmont, we are committed to supporting you through every stage of your financial journey. Our claims history is proof of our unique approach and exceptional service – putting our customers first! Especially in your hour of need.

We are professional, timely and empathetic. We try our best to minimise tedious form-filling wherever reasonably possible.

Our processes are streamlined for better and faster outcomes. Our team is diligent and dedicated. And we focus on conversations in order to understand and support you – through telephone or in-person, whichever you prefer.

Reach out to us and let us help you, today. We look forward to hearing from you.


General Advice Disclaimer

The information contained on this website and in this blog-post is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation or circumstance. It is recommended that you consider and use the information provided responsibly, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser.

Although, every effort has been made to verify the accuracy and correctness of information, Oakmont Financial Group, together with our consultants, officers, agents, and employees, disclaim all liability for any loss or damage suffered by any persons directly or indirectly relying on this information.

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